Nailah Nolley

Developer,Designer,Software Engineer,Content Creator,Engineer,Artist,Director,Performer,Storyteller,Writer,Producer,Teacher,Student,Community Leader,Web Developer,Historian

Where it All Began

Ever since I was little, I never sat still for very long. I was always doing something--- some project or extracurricular activity. I watched my mom perform in plays and writing books, and naturally, my first instinct was to do the same and follow in her footsteps. So, I performed in plays and musicals too. I also learned how to play a couple of instruments, spent some time studying composition and music theory, took ballet, jazz, tap, and singing lessons outside of school. I also started getting hands on experience on the more technical side of performing, learning how to stage manage, direct, and produce shows.

Also, pretty early on, I had a deep interest in science and engineering. I wasn't necessary interested in studying formulas and memorizing principles. I was more drawn to learning in a hands on way, discovering new things, and creating with my own hands. I learned that I really loved putting robots together, figuring out how computers worked and how the parts came together, and writing programs and making games that would fascinate and bring a smile to people's faces.

It would be too much to briefly expound on all of the things I did as a kid that fostered my professional interests, but in hindsight, its clear to see that, even though I had a lot of different interests, they all tie into the person I am now. Even my pasttimes of volunteer work and Girl Scouts has fostered in me the value of responsibility and helping my community.

Providence Day School AP Physics class trip to study stellar phenomena with radio telescopes.