Nailah Nolley

Developer,Designer,Software Engineer,Content Creator,Engineer,Artist,Director,Performer,Storyteller,Writer,Producer,Teacher,Student,Community Leader,Web Developer,Historian

Sharing My Talents

Social responsibility has always been important to me. Even if I don't have much, I will always find a way to help others. I got my start with becoming a Girl Scout. At first, it was just an after school activity that allowed me to learn and experience more than I would be able to otherwise, but it became a way for me to start regularly volunteering in my community, from being a Daisy to a Cadet. I went from earning badges to being awarded pins for projects that made the world a better place, like building houses and organizing donations for non-profit organizations.

Once I started highschool, I grew too busy to participate in activities with my troop. However, that didn't stop me from wanting to help others. I was lucky to go to a school that finds it important to ensure that students participate in volunteer work. I took this a step further and organized my own book drive as a high school student when I learned about flooding from a hurricane having destroyed books in Baton Rouge's school libraries. That was a big learning experience for me. I continued my efforts in organizing volunteer and donation opportunities as a college student once I assumed the position of Miss ACM, a title that came with the responsibility of ensuring that there were opportunities for student members of the organization to have a positive impact on the community.

I don't just share my talents through donations and volunteer work. I also teach an mentor others. As a collaborative effort with some friends of mine, I established a fellowship for young adults to pursue art and storytelling in several different mediums.

Volunteering with other AT&T interns in Atlanta, GA 2019.