Nailah Nolley

Developer,Designer,Software Engineer,Content Creator,Engineer,Artist,Director,Performer,Storyteller,Writer,Producer,Teacher,Student,Community Leader,Web Developer,Historian

Roots in Storytelling

I grew up in the library and the theater. Ever since I was a kid, I was watching my mother perform in plays and one women shows, give speeches about African American History and Literature, and teach others how valuable and important writing and storytelling is. That foundation led me to be heavily involved in activities of the same vein. I acted, danced, sang, and played musical instruments. I wrote and performed spoken word poetry. I also became involved in all different aspects of live performances.

I didn't want to just be on stage; I wanted to know all of the intricacies of the theater. So, I started stage managing for my school, being a part of a team that won several regional high school musical theater awards. I also took it further, interning and working at different performance spaces, in North Carolina and New York. I learned how musicals were produced, ran several different shows, and even tried my hand at directing.

I've taken a step back from working in theater, but I've never strayed away from art and storytelling. Now, I've focused more different mediums of art, and I've started exploring other ways to tell stories, from traditional formats to more innovative platforms.

Picture from back-stage in the Knight Theatre (Charlotte, NC) from when I worked at Blumenthal Performing Arts Center as an intern.